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0808 802 5555

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0808 801 0422

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At first, I didn’t even fully realise the scale of what had happened to me, what I had been through. I wrote it off as a bad break up and I tried not to think about it or him again. My mental state was fragile and it grew worse with every day that passed and…

I found myself during the later end of 2017, having to ask Fife Women’s Aid for help. I found the service and staff to be extremely welcoming. All staff couldn’t do enough to ensure I was settled. Even when I was being repetitive about events that caused my relationship to end, the help-line was a…

Every Friday used to be movie night and we made pizza on the last Friday of every month. The last one I remember was when we spent the whole day making pizza and then argued who got to sit where at night. These were the happier times before everything started to change. Dad started getting…


24h Telephone Support for Women


helpline for Children & Young People

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Event Date: February 5, 2020

Annual Event and AGM

Event Date: April 1, 2020

Raising Awareness About Domestic Abuse

Event Date: September 17, 2019

Risk and Domestic Abuse: Working with High Risk Victims

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This is a test page This is a test page This is a test page

This is a test page This is a test page This is a test page

This is a test page This is a test page This is a test page 

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This is a test page This is a test page This is a test page 

This is a test page This is a test page This is a test page 

This is a test page This is a test page This is a test page This is a test page This is a test page This is a test page This is a test page This is a test page This is a test page This is a test page This is a test page This is a test page This is a test page This is a test page This is a test page

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