Volunteer Application Pack – Application Form

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Many thanks for your interest in the role of Volunteer Befriender with Fife Women’s Aid (FWA).

Only women are eligible to apply for this post due to Genuine Occupational Requirement (Schedule 9; Equality Act 2010). Fife Women’s Aid welcomes applications from women from all sectors of the community.

Within this pack you will be able to find all the information you need to apply for the role of volunteer befriender:

1. Role Description and Person Specification This document provides you with all the information you need to know about what to expect from being a volunteer befriender.
2. Application Form This should be completed in as much detail as possible; as you are answering each question you should also be providing us with evidence to back up your answers.
3. Equality and diversity monitoring form The information provided in this form will have no impact upon whether or not we select you as a volunteer.
4. Criminal convictions declaration form Each volunteer who is successfully selected must complete a PVG application to ensure their suitability for working with vulnerable groups.


If you have any questions feel free to contact us on 01383 732289 at any time


Role Description & Person Specification

Volunteer Befriender

Purpose and aims of the role

Fife Women’s Aid (FWA) aims to provide a holistic approach to support women who have experienced domestic abuse. To support women who have left the abusive relationship, we provide befriending to support women to engage with their local community and build their confidence through social connections. We do this through supporting volunteers as befrienders.

Roles and responsibilities

  • Provide 1 to 1 befriending support for a few hours per week for a minimum commitment of 6 months
  • Provide non-judgemental, reliable support and a listening ear as appropriate to role
  • Help to build a woman’s confidence and self-esteem through social interaction and encouragement to take part in activities and social groups
  • Establish and maintain appropriate boundaries within the befriending relationship
  • Work within Fife Women’s Aid’s trauma-informed approach
  • Undertake core training as required by Fife Women’s Aid
  • Attend regular support and supervision meetings with your Befriending Coordinator
  • Participate in training and other volunteer activities
  • Work within Fife Women’s Aid policies and procedures
  • Maintain regular contact with your Befriending Coordinator including completion of necessary reporting documents, particularly expense and diary sheets

Qualities and skills required

  • An interest in supporting recovery from domestic abuse
  • Non-judgemental, empathetic and trauma-informed approach to working with women
  • Self-awareness and an ability to reflect on your work and progress
  • Good communication skills
  • Ability to maintain confidentiality
  • Able to work within guidelines without direct supervision

What will you gain from the role?

  • An understanding of the impact of domestic abuse
  • The opportunity to support women who have experienced domestic abuse


  • Experience in befriending and the opportunity to be a role model
  • Development of professional skills which can enhance your future opportunities

Training and support

  • Comprehensive volunteer training is required prior to taking on the befriending role
  • References and interview take place after the initial training
  • Ongoing training opportunities
  • Ongoing support and supervision

Terms and Conditions

  • This is an unpaid volunteer role.
  • Days and hours of work are flexible but you must be available a few hours per week.
  • Role is Fife wide, but we will do our best to match you locally.
  • Travel expenses will be reimbursed, other expenses are subject to prior Befriending Coordinator approval.
  • Final selection is subject to interview, two satisfactory references and PVG check.
  • You must be committed to equal opportunities and anti-discriminatory practice.
  • Due to Health and Safety requirements you must be at least 18 years of age to undertake this volunteering role.

For more information or to express an interest please email the Befriending Coordinator on [email protected]