Company Giving
The Win Win of Giving!
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Support your employees to give to charity
- Make giving personal – do you have payroll giving set up? Find out more here:
- Make giving easy – Make sure your employees know what local charities are out there, you can do this in a variety of ways including putting information in the staff room, on the intranet, talk about it at staff meetings and encourage employees to come up with their own ideas.
- Make it a perfect match – if your company’s employees are already involved with a local charity why don’t you match their fundraising efforts?
- Offer incentives to participants who wish to fundraise for their local charity or community. This could be the use of employee’s time for a fundraising event such as charity bag packing, street collections or matching any raised funds as above.
Become a corporate partner
Make a tangible difference to women and children in Fife who have experienced domestic abuse by becoming a corporate partner with Fife Women’s Aid.
Get your employees involved – would your staff hold an office fundraiser to raise vital funds?
Make us you chosen charity – a great opportunity to unite your staff behind a worthwhile cause that they can identify with and feel passionate about.
Companies are increasingly seeing the benefits of working with a charity partner for multiple years, embedding within the organisational culture to deliver beneficial results with a lasting legacy.
Give customers a way to donate
Donate your plastic bag income – the bag levy was introduced by the government to reduce the number of plastic bags in circulation in the UK and protect the environment. Many retailers donate their income from the levy, with the dual benefit of helping the environment and raising money for a good cause.
Cause related marketing – corporate partners can raise valuable income through cause related marketing campaigns where they generously donate a percentage of income on a specific product or service to help support our work.
How we support our corporate partners – partnering with a trusted charity that reaches local communities across Fife can:
- Increase customer loyalty
- Attract, motivate and retain staff
- Increase sales by associating products and services with a good cause
- Help raise awareness about the impact of domestic abuse
Whether or not you’ve partnered with a charity before, there are many ways your company could work with Fife Women’s Aid. Partnering with us could help you achieve your charitable goals, you could make us your charity of the year, a charity partner or give a gift. Please give us a call on 01383 732289 for further information.